Bosley Medical Patient Testimonials

Listed below is a sampling of typical unsolicited letters we frequently receive from satisfied Bosley Medical patients. We invite you to explore them and find out what others have experienced at Bosley Medical. We would enjoy hearing your feedback, please send us an email at

Dear Bosley Medical,

I had a procedure done at the Bosley Medical San Francisco location last year on July 10th. I wanted to thank all of you so much for changing my life. I am a hairdresser by profession and one of the world’s harshest critics of any type of hair replacement procedure. The artistry and techniques used at Bosley Medical are unmatched by anyone I’ve seen. I was recently having my haircut by one of my fellow staff members in our salon, and she commented on how my hair transplantation was virtually indistinguishable from a natural head of hair. No visible scarring, uniform density, natural looking hairline, everything I was looking for when seeking hair transplantation.

Everywhere I looked, I compared to Bosley Medical, and everyone fell short on the one most important consideration: How I would look afterward. Thanks to you, my hair looks great. My friends, my family, my co-workers and my clients have followed me through my transformation, and all give it a big thumbs up! I’m always loaning your video to someone, and always being asked questions by other clients in our salon. They see the change and are amazed when I tell them it’s a transplant. I let them comb through it, so they can view it up close. They all say, “I have to tell my husband” or “son”, or “someone in their life” about Bosley Medical. What you do spreads happiness, through self-confidence, and improves lives. That is a wonderful gift to give someone. You gave that to me. Thank you. I hope to someday be able to afford a second procedure, but with my daughter in college, and another starting next year, it won’t likely be soon. Until then, I’m ecstatic with what I have.

Take care of my friend B.K. He saw me and knew where he wanted to go. He is flying out from Kentucky to have you take care of him. If you need someone that’s a professional hairdresser to make any kind of endorsement for you, I’ll be there, gratis. Bosley Medical is such a great blessing, I want to share it with everyone.


Galt, CA


Dear Dr. Bosley,

I want to personally thank you for the exceptional work of your associates, especially Dr. Mark Andrews. He conducted an excellent 1400 graft procedure for me on October 1st. I greatly appreciated his follow-up call to me later that evening checking on my condition. I have to admit that I was quite apprehensive before the procedure; however, Dr. Andrews and his support staff put me at ease. I’d like to also bring to your attention the exceptional work of Eileen, Shelia, Bernadette, Pam and Anna. They’re the best!

I recently had my six-month follow-up evaluation with Dr. Andrews and couldn’t be more pleased with the results. Thank you Dr. Bosley for establishing Bosley Medical, at “40” you’ve helped me regain my youthful appearance. My only regret was my hesitation to do it earlier.


Studio City, CA


Dear Dr. Bosley:

I felt that I needed to write to you this evening, only four hours after my hair transplantation surgery, which began, promptly I might add, at 9:30 this morning. You see, my journey began in 1997 at the age of 24, when I first visited your Houston office regarding my growing concern for my receding hairline. At that first meeting, your staff was very professional and I felt they were quite honest with me. They gave me no illusions that I would ever have quite the full head of hair I once had in my teens and early twenties, but that we could begin to tackle the problem early on and help maintain the mature hairline nature intended despite my genetic predisposition for male pattern baldness. Your staff was also very accurate in predicting…what my receding hairline might look like in five to ten years.

As it turned out, because of financial reasons and my own decision to delay the procedure a few years to try alternative treatments, I would learn just how accurate your staffs’ prediction of my balding pattern would become. During the period between 1997 and 2002, I tried many treatments at a very high cost and the results have been; well, to be honest, there were no results to report; no delaying the inevitable, no peach fuzz, nothing. Over the years I have used finasteride, beta prostate, saw palmetto, nettle seed, tea tree oil, and the ever-expensive Kevis (with HUCP or human umbilical cord protein) costing me upward of $1,200.00 to no avail.

Well, finally, now at age 29, working with my brother at our law firm, a graduate of Tulane University in New Orleans, and doing some theatre acting and some modeling; although the offers seem to dwindle the more hair I lose; I decided it was time. Time for me to quit flushing my hard earned money down the toilet to snake oil remedies and take control of my situation before I could see my own reflection on the top of my shiny bald head! I scheduled a consultation with a procedure to follow for 9:00 a.m.

Today, March 5, right at 9:00 a.m. as scheduled; I went in for a consultation and was shown my old photograph from 1997 and compared it to my hair loss today. Yes! Your staff got it right, they predicted I would most likely be classified as “4a” according to your chart and that is exactly where I am today. Next, the doctor, who was very personable, went over exactly what was going to be done, how many grafts he recommended and what our plans for the future of my hair loss maintenance would entail. He made it very clear that today’s operation would not be the final step and that time will tell if and when further work needs to be done.

My main reason for writing this letter is regarding the operation itself. At no time during my operation was I ever in any sever or even medium pain to the point where I was uncomfortable. Any time I felt I experienced any discomfort whatsoever, the nurse quickly administered local anesthetic and the discomfort was gone in less than a minute. By the way, the nurses were excellent (not to mention my satisfaction with the doctor), they repeatedly asked me over and over if I was experiencing any pain at all. Next, the hair and scalp taken from the donor area was immediately sutured together with no pain or excessive bleeding. Even right now, at 9:00 p.m. while writing this letter and having taken only 1 Hydrocodone (which I really did not have to take – I simply took it because I know there must be a bit of trauma to the donor area), I feel no pain in that area, only the slightest bit of pressure because the skin is pulled taught.

Needless to say, so far, with the operation complete, I am truly and thoroughly satisfied, and all my questions, fears and anxieties were gone even before the operation began because I knew I was being operated on by the pioneers of this industry and I was in good hands. Now, I just cannot wait for my new hair; and for me, my new life to begin.

You have my permission to show this letter to other potential patients to help satisfy their questions and anxieties about whether this is right for them. I know it was the only choice for me and definitely the right one. I will gladly send you my pictures when my new hair grows in! Thank you, Dr. Bosley, and perhaps my modeling days aren’t over after all!

Very Truly Yours,

Katy, TX


Dear Dr. Bosley

I would like to thank you for my second successful surgery in September of 2000. I waited this long to comment because now after a year, I can see the full procedural benefit as the transplanted hair has reached cutting length a couple of times. Certainly well worth the wait. I am extremely satisfied by the results. My initial treatment was December of 1999. I was treated so superbly from my initial consultation in La Jolla in November of 1999 with counselor Jonathon Graff, through the procedure strategy consultation and both day long surgeries in Beverly Hills with Dr. Mark Andrews in December of 1999 and September of 2000 with subsequent very simple and painless home recoveries.

I would especially like to thank Dr. Andrews who did two fabulous subtle yet artistic procedures with very little discomfort and no scaring, cranial numbness, or any noticeable unsuccessful areas of transplanted hair. By the second day after the surgeries, pain medication was not necessary. I would also like to thank the Bosley team of professionals who assisted Dr. Andrews. The team put me at ease and did a fabulous job with my transplants, which took approximately 5 hours for each procedure. That was tough, stressful, and tedious work for the team.

I am so impressed by the staff and procedure and especially magician man Dr. Andrews, that I have rescheduled a third surgery with Dr. Andrews for December 7th. Though a little nervous about any surgery, I am very confident and looking forward to this follow-up procedure to increase density.

Again, I must reiterate that you have a wonderful team of professionals in your office. The surgery is subtle and invisible with natural results. Surely, no one can tell that I had the procedure if I can't even notice!! I feel like a new person with my permanently redeveloped hairline. I never realized what increased confidence will do for your overall positive perception about life. I certainly smile more.

Every once in a while, I'll notice a person with "rows of corn" or similar transplants from other offices, and I smile as I know mine is perfect. Sorry to say that my transplant does nothing for your advertising because no one notices it!! However, I am very candid and proud of the procedure and volunteer information on my own. If you would like, I would like to be included as a reference to any perspective or skeptical patients. Please feel free to have anyone call me. I have nothing but outstanding things to say. However, Dr. Andrews might become busier than he already is!!




Dear Dr. Bosley:

I am writing this brief note simply to tell you how pleased I am at the results of having been treated by Bosley Medical. I was treated at your Chicago office by Dr. O’Hare and Dr. Frost on April 24, 2001.

Allow me to say that every person with whom I came in contact at the Chicago office were not only professional and possessed an excellent demeanor with patients, but were friendly and very happy to accommodate my needs as a patient as well. Significant in my impression are the five nurses who worked with the surgeons, as well as Kim, the receptionist. All are very nice people who represent Bosley Medical very well; they deserve to be commended for their fine work. Moreover, Dr. Frost and Dr. O’Hare were wonderful in the way in which they performed the surgery and willingly provided answers to the many questions I had.

I was made to feel at home during my procedure, and I am very happy with my results thus far. It is only the 53rd day after surgery and the hair is coming in like crazy!

Thank you so very much for being available to serve humanity. Your professionalism, your friendly manner, as well as this marvelous service you offer has changed my life and the lives of others greatly.

God bless you and the work you are doing!


Lincoln Heights, OH


Dear Dr. Bosley:

A thousand words would not express how happy I personally feel about my transplanted hair procedure performed at Bosley Medical. The first procedure was by one of your staff and you performed the second procedure. Both of you are true artists in hair restoration. This says a great deal about you, Dr. Bosley. Not only do you have exceptional talent, but so do your staff of doctors, who are trained by you personally.

I want you to know why I selected Bosley. I recently retired, after 48 years, as the CEO of a company that employed approximately 150 employees. In that capacity, I had the opportunity to be involved with all levels of staff, not only within my company, but with many companies, large and small, that we did business with. When I decided to have hair transplantation, I visited four known hair restoration organizations, including yours. I can recognize a well managed organization and in my opinion none compared as favorably as Bosley Medical did. My personal consultations with one of your staff doctors and with you gave me confidence to have the procedure. Whenever I see and comb my hair, I am absolutely delighted.

I would like to end by saying that although I only got to know you for a few hours, you're the type of person I'd enjoy as a friend.


Encino, CA


Dr. Bosley:

Last week, I was a patient in your Beverly Hills office. My entire experience was extremely positive. After sharing my thoughts with my Senior Counselor, I realized that Bosley Medical doesn't realize how "different" they really are or how they compare to the competition. Accordingly, below is a "patient's view" of Bosley Medical.

First, after using Rogaine and Propecia for two years, I viewed your television commercial. Your commercial is to the point, factual, and directed me to your web site where I could review transplant treatment in the privacy of my own home. Grade:A

Your web site sells your product. Whoever produced it spent the time to get it right. It's factual, easy to navigate, informative, written in layman terms and gave me the opportunity to evaluate myself. Grade: A+

Your 1-800 call center is professional and courteous. I was somewhat embarrassed and reluctant to "make the appointment" (and I've been selling pharmaceuticals or medical equipment for 11 years). They handled my call in a matter-of-fact method that made me feel comfortable. Grade: A

The literature I received in the mail was outstanding. After reviewing the web site and literature compared to your competition, my wife said, "If you're going to do it, use Bosley Medical - these guys know what they're doing." Grade: (I don't know the grade of a wife's endorsement - but its value is huge!)

Chris Michael from your Phoenix office is exceptional. Chris walked me through my situation, available options, and was knowledgeable about Bosley Medical, hair transplantation and other options. What really impressed me about Chris and why he is THE reason I choose Bosley Medical, is his style. No sales hype, no pressure. Simple, honest, to the point, fact based. Chris wasn't afraid to answer the tough questions honestly. He also called me the next day to see if I had any questions from the literature. In short, Chris is a stellar person and represents Bosley Medical professionally. Grade: A++

Margo, your travel agent, was fast, efficient, and determined to make sure my flight was under the $200 maximum reimbursement. It may sound insignificant for a guy getting 1800 implants to worry about $200 - but, in a different way, it set Bosley Medical up as "a cut above" the rest. Grade: A

When I arrived in Beverly Hills, I was impressed with your front office staff. I was uncomfortable being in a waiting room. They quickly moved me to a private area. I really appreciated the confidentiality. Grade: A

My Beverly Hills Senior Counselor met me as I entered the private area. What impressed me about him was that he had taken the time to call Chris and knew my situation - instant "connection" for me. His demeanor was un-arming, his knowledge level was outstanding and his persona made me feel that "real guys do this too". Grade: A++

Then I met Dr. Suddleson. WOW! I've worked in healthcare for 11 years. From urology to gynecology to family practice, I know a good physician from a bad physician. I know a caring physician from a shark and I can recognize a physician who believes in his work. Dr. Suddleson personifies the best. His manner is excellent and his work… we'll have to see in 4 months.

Finally, I was taken into my room for the surgery. I was surprised by the fact that I was personally introduced to Anna Petrosyan and Jennifer Buttram. Each of them smiled, introduced herself, explained what their job was and then quickly "got to work". I've been in countless surgical suites where no one talks, a few grunt and the patient is a piece of meat. Not so at Bosley Medical - from movie selection… to the lunch menu… to Jennifer's "all gain - no pain" mantra… to making sure the restroom was not occupied to ensure my confidentially, your staff really cares (the chocolate at the end of the day was good, too). They're different (they even made sure the taxi met me in the alley!)

To sum-up my Bosley Medical experience, three words come to mind: professional, confidential, concerned. Your group is different, they live your Bosley Medical credo - and you should know it.



Dear Bosley Medical,

I had a procedure preformed in August of 2000 at your Boca Raton office. I couldn't be more pleased with the results. I am now 24 years old and have another appointment scheduled for a second procedure. I can't wait! The results are as undetectable as if God put them there himself. Thank you for your amazing service, and for giving a young man back his "youth". This is truly one of the most uplifting personal experiences of my life. I have a friend my age whose hair also starting to thin. When I told him that I'd had hair restoration, he couldn't believe that they were transplants. I told him about Bosley Medical, and if he was to have it done, not to trust anyone else, no matter how much lower their cost was.



Dear Dr. Bosley:

On October 19th, I had the pleasant experience of a procedure at your Seattle office. I would like to take this moment of your time to tell you about my experience at your facility.

From the very first meeting I had with Dan Penner and Dr. Digby, I was put at ease and all my questions were answered in a satisfactory way. After my consultation, I was scheduled for my procedure on October 19th, which started me on my interminable wait with nervous anticipation. The night before my procedure, I tossed and turned in my bed, wondering about my decision and worrying about the 'pain' and results.

I arrived early in the morning and was immediately taken to the room where I was introduced to the staff that would be assisting Dr. Digby throughout the day. Everyone was very cordial and made me feel their concern for my comfort and well-being. This wasn't Jack In the Box, they made me feel that they generally CARED for MY feelings. I was comforted and felt that I was in very good hands.

My initial fear prior to the procedure was of pain. I was worried about the shots, the removal of the donor region, and the placement of the hairs. During our initial consultation, the word most frequently used to describe the procedure was 'discomfort'. Throughout the procedure and for the next few days I attempted to come up with another word to better describe discomfort and I could not. The best word for it is discomfort. There was no pain, it did not hurt, and I was not injured. As a matter of fact, when Stephanie administered the medication, I did not feel any sensation whatsoever. The same is true for the removal of the donor region and the placement of the donor hairs.

From start to finish I was very impressed with the professionalism of the entire staff. Each one of those dedicated professionals worked very diligently in their assigned task with none of the back and forth banter that you hear between employees at many other offices today. I was always made to feel that my well-being was primary and that my comfort was important to everyone.

Dr. Digby is an artist! His credentials as a Cardio Vascular Surgeon are impressive. His experience and training in hair transplants are readily apparent, and his chair side manner is wonderful. I actually felt like a friend during the day. He complimented the supporting staff throughout the procedure and always made me feel at ease and that I could question what was happening at any and all times.

At the end of the procedure and prior to my preparation to leave for home, I was fully instructed as to my medication, showering and general care for my scalp for the next phase of recovery. I was also made aware of the after hours contact number if I had any problems or questions for any reason. I was meant to feel that no question was unimportant.

Later that evening, I was astonished to receive a call from Dr. Digby inquiring as to my general health and well-being. His call was timely, as I had just finished taking my medication prior to going to bed. He reminded me to take my anti-biotic, which I had forgotten to do. Once again, I was reminded to call if there were any questions or problems of any magnitude. Again, no problem or question is too small.

Dr. Bosley, I am very glad that I chose Bosley Medical for my hair restoration process. Your staff is the most caring of any I have ever witnessed at any business in my life. My chosen profession is telecommunications sales and we always use the phrase "Customer Satisfaction". At the Seattle office of Bosley Medical, the definition of Customer Satisfaction has been re-defined.

Very truly yours,

Bothell, WA


Dear Dr. Bosley:

This is just a brief letter - and I assume you receive many - complimenting you on the firm you have built.

I had surgery in Boca Raton, and Dr. Hamilton and his staff could not possibly have been more professional, more friendly, more responsive, more helpful, and just plain more fun.

Clearly, this starts at the top, and you're the head (pun unintentional), and so I congratulate you. What a great outfit - I assume you are very proud.

Best wishes to you and everyone at Bosley Medical for a happy new year!

Yours sincerely,

Alpharetta, GA


Dear Dr. Bosley:

After four years of consideration, I met with one of your Senior Counselors this year to discuss the possibility of undertaking a procedure. Following this initial meeting, I really was not convinced that hair restoration would be right for me. After seeing a number of your infomercials, I wanted to give the idea one more try. I called up and was able to meet with Carl Carlberg and Dr. Andrews. I was immediately impressed. They were professionals who obviously knew what challenges I was fighting. They put me at ease with their knowledge and expertise. I scheduled a procedure and on August 4th, and Dr. Andrews successfully completed the procedure (1800+ grafts).

In early November, I started seeing the results. I scheduled a second procedure. On December 21st, I had my second procedure. While the first procedure was good, the second one greatly exceeded my expectations. The anticipation of receiving 1500 grafts is not unlike going to the dentist for a mouthful of root canals. It proved to be just the opposite. I have to tell you that the experience proved to be much more positive than the first one. The constant for this successful procedure was Dr. Andrews. He does a wonderful job and is truly at the top of his field.

My experience was also enhanced by a number of key professionals who made the difference in making this such a positive experience. These individuals were Jennifer Buttram R.N., Taiwoh Harris, and Dina Helwig. These individuals made my experience comfortable. You are fortunate to have individuals of this high caliber working for you.

I am writing this letter to you to thank you and to recognize these fine individuals for making my Bosley experience a great one.


Another satisfied customer

Watch Bosley Medical's Video Testimonials

James Roman

Jeff Albert

Michael Recasner

Paul Anderson

Paul Dietz

Ricardo Fernandez

Robert Fullbright

Melanie Roberts

Bosley Medical Achieves 94% Positive Rating for Hair Transplantation.

To View Bosley Medical's Patient Survey Results Click Here

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